Thursday, November 19, 2009

if it's not one thing, it's at least three or four others

Right, then.  I am staying home from work today (gasp!), and tomorrow (come again?).

That's right, Mama's got the pig bug (which is to say I'm being treated for H1N1 although CDC reg's now restrict the conformational test to inpatients)... and a possible kidney infection.  1)  Good thing the VA did not get their next shipment of vaccine in last week when I was scheduled to get mine with the other high risk employees with chronic illness; the government is handling this distribution so well... 2) Funny thing how every single one of my symptoms is also a potential side effect of Remicade and/or Prednisone withdrawal.

Admittedly, I'm not entirely upset about this whole "stay at home sick" thing.  What better opportunity to get some actual rest (she says, ignoring the blazing 3:49am that reads in the far corner of the monitor)?  I don't think it's my fault that I'm 100% awake and alert right now -- I blame the triumphantly rebounding P.M. and my hyperactive bladder.

In all seriousness, I plan to spend today reading my book and allowing myself to pass out whenever my bladder will allow.  Cue Adagio e piano sempre.  I'll write the damn textbook chapter tomorrow.

I am pretty miffed, however, that I have to postpone my Remicade appointment which I just successfully rescheduled for this weekend so I could get that extra boost before Thanksgiving.  Never fear: I will be eating stuffing; end of discussion.

In other news: ANDY CAME! Two whole nights of food, friend and board games galore*.  When Andy visits, good food is created.  For your viewing pleasure, the progression of Ginger Chicken with Beets and Mushrooms...

 Butt Mushroom.

 Butt Mushroom on Legs.


*Andy had the pig bug back in April, so we're in the clear.

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