Saturday, August 22, 2009

Remicade plus 1

I walked out of the hospital last night without stumbling. No nausea, no fever, itching or any other indication of allergic reaction. They didn't prep me with the standard Benadryl mix either because I had so much painkiller in me already. This old post I found was very helpful in last-minute preparation.

H.B. survived his second procedure at my side; I have a hunch that as this continues he's going to experience an eventual inuring toward needles and IVs. My parents initiated him into the world of being my advocate. Poor thing has no idea how much this may interrupt his lifestyle. Maybe I'll be able to go alone to these infusions eventually. Until then, I am insuperably lucky.

This morning, I'm sucking down prune juice and amylase-heavy boluses of cracker. Oxycodone is sitting untouched on the dresser and all the pain left in my colon is masked by the discomfort of 6 days bloating.

Still shoveling 40mg/d prednisone accompanied by 100mg/d 6mp until the Captain indicates otherwise. I want a teriyaki chicken burger.